Monday, September 18, 2017

Thirty five started out like any other day...Just kidding.

It was actually an extraordinary birthday. An extraordinarily anonymous birthday. I woke up in a beautiful beach side hotel room in the Hamptons. The weather was perfect for the end of a long sunny summer - warm and salty, but a bit overcast and menacing; with waves too rough for swimming. I had lemon ricotta pancakes and bacon on the balcony with my husband, overlooking the stormy seas and then spent a few hours of solitude with a cocktail and a book on the beach while hubby prepared for the wedding with the groom.

The highlight of the day was watching two dear friends exchange marriage vows, followed by celebratory revelry with many old and new friends. While I received lovely calls and messages from my family throughout the day, there was just a bigger event at hand than my birthday. And, I actually love'd that. My favorite birthdays have been spent anonymously. There is a something magical about having a unique and special day, without the pressure of being the center of attention. Remind me to tell you about the anonymous birthday I spent in Brazil sometime...

About 1984. I felt that old familiar jolt of excitement I only get upon opening the door to a new and unexplored world - "It was a bright day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen."

Happy Birthday to me! Cheers!

To the Lighthouse...

So far, finding the novels to read next has been half the fun. As I've mentioned, I just moved to a new city. While on an unrelated err...